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We are very proud of the feeds we produce, putting quality and feed safety at the heart of everything we do. We work alongside the industry boards, schemes and certification bodies listed below which gives the company the industry’s highest accolades. For further details please click on the links below.

OF&G certify Farmers and Growers, Food Processors and Feed Manufacturers, Distribution and Storage businesses, Importers, Cosmetics Manufacturers, those with approved products for use in organic systems, Composters and businesses accredited under the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme.

The Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) is the agrisupply industry’s leading trade association. Formed in October 2003. The trade association represents several sectors within the agrisupply industry including: Animal Feed; Crop Protection and Agronomy; Fertilisers; Grain and Oilseed; Seed.

Reducing the Risk of Disqualification from Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances in Feed. The highly successful NOPS scheme, set up in 2009 to help reduce the risk of naturally occurring prohibited substances in equine feed, is now a stand-alone code, run solely by the British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA), it no longer exists as an appendix to the UFAS and FEMAS codes.

The Universal Feed Assurance Scheme (UFAS) was launched in 1998 and now accounts for well in excess of 95% of the commercially produced compound feed in the UK and Ireland. A merchants’ standard was added later to the scheme, and in total UFAS now has in excess of 700 participants in the UK and Ireland. The scheme dovetails with the UK livestock assurance (Red Tractor Farm Assurance, Quality Meat Scotland) schemes which the major supermarkets make a requirement for the home-produced livestock products they buy.